Everybody needs a BFF


From chubby nerdy eccentrics (commonly known as weirdos) to hot 20-somethings; me and BFF Rutendo have been best friends since 2002 (That’s a decade of random story chatting). When we went to boarding school together. With a common interest in sarcasm, animal rights and a talent in art I can say I found my bestfriend.

The two of us are like Good Cop Bad Cop.  I have always taught Perpetua how to be tougher and be strong against the adversities petty and major that come in life. Whilst I can cry on cue, I helped her when she needed a good cry. I want to congratulate her on getting her degree as sometimes she seemed to think she was going to repeat. All she wanted to do was to make her Father and Mother proud.

Her sense of fashion has improved as she was there when I was a closet fan of fashion. She did not really “get” this blogging thing when I started and I don’t think she actually does get it till now. Thanks to people like Jayne Mutsonziwa-Chikwanda who were there and still there to pimp her up and offer style advice. Along with Jayne I was also pushing her on the importance of looking good so u feel good and people treat you good.

She is having a graduation party tomorrow that she has been postponing due to a number of reasons and I am unable to attend. I just want her to know I am glad she is growing up (kuyema still needs improvement), she got a degree and she has a kick-ass job she should dominate!

From Left: Perpetua Rutendo Chikwanda (21st) and Tatenda Chaibva… congratulations besty

Behind every award-winning blogger… is a homie that cheers the loudest in the crowd. No success story without a great team surrounding.

4 thoughts on “Everybody needs a BFF

  1. Aww, that is SOOO SWEET! Boarding school, I’ve always wanted to go but it will never happen. I am sure the closest experience to it I will have will be uni… Hope you enjoy your party Perpetua..x


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