How Old Are You? Where are you from?

Really? It’s in the ABOUT ROBYN section.. next question

What is your educational background?

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and Environmental Science from Rhodes University, South Africa. Studying for a Media Management PGDip at ..Rhodes University AGAIN.

I am a blogger how can I break into the blogosphere?

Well first of all have a genuine passion for making the time.

Google which sites suit the type of blog you want. I started with a Tumblr.

A hub of information with archive material is Independent Fashion Bloggers.

Figure out a niche of a type of blog that isn’t already there on the market.

Perfect your blogging with time, clear photographs, no typos or name misspellings.

With time people will appreciate what you want to do. JUST DO IT, figure it all out later heck we been there.

Also choose a platform that speaks to your type of content, I can help with that for a fee though..

Are you a full-time blogger or part-time?

Nope, although I am a serial blog starter-upper since 2011 I have been growing my habit and am not full time.

I matured from being a blogger that wanted to be a fashion journo, to being a media manager in the making.

Miracles happen when you pursue them.

[UPDATE: I am now a media manager for online platform at a newspaper and write a fashion column, the first and one of the few in a long time in Zimbabwean mainstream media]

What fashion are you into?

I am more into style than particular clothing, truth is I dunno I just accentuate and cover flaws.

I dress eccentric, its not in me understanding the cut, panel or etc, I have to feel good and cover up my flaws or work em. Head To Toe, I like hair, makeup and shoes… clothes are just in the middle of that.

Who are your fellow blogger competitors in Zimbabwe?


I am a lone ranger in my type of blogging the moment I feel someone is doing what I am doing, I change my path.

I am competing local and global so its beyond that, a unique vision for blog is needed.

Plus I am kinda more on the media mogul type

Can you be my mentor?

Well I am not sure what that would entail. The information is out there on the internet. Twitter, Facebook and Independent Fashion Bloggers.

Find an international blogger role model and learn from their stories and educational background what got them to where they are. Find established people in the field and experience is the best eye opener.

ALSO understand your environment, what works in USA doesnt work in UK, EUROPE, SOUTHERN AFRICA OR WESTERN AFRICA, each scenario has to be adapted to in order to make it beneficial.

Show passion, show initiative, be persistent, that is how you can get a chance from anyone.

Even if it means working on a blog to turn into a journalist one day.


Contact me by messaging my Facebook Page

2 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I must be your biggest fan ryt now. Logging right of! I have a cool and collect reputation to maintain:). But anyway, I wanted to ask. What has been your greatest challenge in industry as a young independent blogger?


    1. LOL, well my biggest challenge has been lack of sponsorship and not enough people close to me understanding what blogging is about or having an interest in blogging. Also maintaining my editorial independence is a challenge, often people expect a positive (ass licking) review and show no gratitude for it, i do not kiss ass


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