How I ate #BaobabPowder to get toned

Fitness & Health, FOOD - recipes & dining

BAOBAB is the TRUTH, but there is a background to this post. . .

I probably only watch Television during the weekend, Sunday/Saturday afternoon. Mostly Saturdays and I was interested in another cheesy show by Kourtney Kardashian. Where in all the makeup and surgery, she helps people lose weight in 12 weeks to revenge those that doubted the people.

While in 12 weeks they do daily exercises, diet monitored and controlled and celebrity trainers…this is not affordable post show for some.

The Concrete Jungle Workout Plan 2017

Beauty, Fitness & Health, FOOD - recipes & dining, Zimbabwe

HARARE – I always knew that my choices in foods was the problem. Diet is 80 percent of weight loss, by diet I mean what you eat and drink will have an impact the most on your body. People have misunderstood the word diet to mean a program that is insane, e.g A liquids only eating plan for a week or two to lose 8 kilograms.

In the search of Zimbabwean Vegetarian lunches

FOOD - recipes & dining

When Beyonce did 21 days of going Vegan, I let her do it. When the world speaks of animal cruelty, I put that fillet in the pan and roast that chicken. I am not a vegetarian in any world.

Coffee Shopping, an essential Blogger haven

Career Fashion, FOOD - recipes & dining, Self-Inspiration

HARARE – A haven for bloggers is definitely a coffee shop. The coffee shop gives a mobile home office, WiFi and power source and you are ready to do your thang (Not sure if it is cool to say thang instead of thing anymore).

Being a blogger means you wear many hats so you can also be a business person, a student studying school or setting up a project – we make several plans.

So I have not shopped in a while, but I now coffee “shop” often. Today I want to talk about a coffee shop I call home for a day, 

Healthier habits for healthier wellbeing

Beauty, FOOD - recipes & dining

I realised a lot of people, eat so much crap!

I realised that in town or in any populated business area, it is easier to get chips cheaper than it is to find a fresh fruit salad or sauted lean meat!

CHICKEN and chips at Sopranoes

FOOD - recipes & dining
Quarter Chicken, Chipstick and small salad at SOPRANOES in Avondale

Quarter Chicken, Chipstick and small salad at SOPRANOES in Avondale

AVONDALE is home to some nice easy lunch at Sopranoes, an afternoon by the sunny verandah away from the hustle and bustle of the main shopping centre but near enough

COOKING RECIPE: The yummy meatball and tomato stew

FOOD - recipes & dining

TEMPERATURES are dropping and the body craves more comfort hearty food. This week I give you a meatball recipe that produces some soft yummy meatballs. These are cooked with the affordable local oyster mushrooms currently in season.

MAI CHAIBVA – Kariba Bream recipe

FOOD - recipes & dining
KARIBA bream fish, also known as tilapia, is available in abundance in Zimbabwe and can be cooked in a simple way that gives it great taste. When cooked incorrectly, fish can often be bland and have a chewy texture when overcooked.