What happens after reaching your goal weight?

Fitness & Health, Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe – I always wonder if people have a plan when they reach their goal weight. The journey to your weight loss or fat loss target is an exciting one, unfortunately the biggest problem is “Then what?”

From experience how you transform is very important in the maintenance of the body and what your next goal is.

My goal was to shred and get smaller…my next goal was to build muscle and stamina…current goal is to refine my muscle and build strength. Again that is my choice, so it has to be clear what you want and how you intend to maintain.

Back to the issue on how you gained the body, from previous experience people who used fast track methods, testosterone boosts, fat burners while achieve results fast and perfected with the high level of training, gain the weight back once off it. The truth is train your body to increase the hormones for burning fat, be patient and consistent. Get to your body weight if you had the bare minimum can be adjusted. Gym fees have hiked, and if your gym was already crazy expensive… can you stay fit without that gym? Do you have alternatives?

Stay hydrated and consistent, build a sustainable lifestyle, not terrible habits! Abeg!



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